Welcome to 2 Shih Tzus Radio
Welcome to 2 Shih Tzus Radio, the one-stop destination for all things related to ham radio and antenna design. Whether you’re a seasoned ham radio enthusiast or just starting out, this website is designed to provide you with valuable information, resources, and updates on the latest happenings in the world of ham radio.
Our Story
Why the name “2 Shih Tzus,” you ask? Well, it’s simple. Just like the two adorable Shih Tzus that bring joy to our lives, we aim to bring joy to the ham radio community through our passion for antenna design and ham radio merchandise.
Our journey started with a personal blog where we shared our thoughts and ramblings about ham radio. However, we realized that our content was not reaching the right audience. With only a handful of visitors each week, we knew we needed a change.
Unifying our Interests
By creating 2 Shih Tzus Radio, we have consolidated our interests and expertise into a single platform. Here, you will find a variety of content, including informative articles, video tutorials, and updates on the latest ham radio technologies.
Our goal is to not only provide valuable resources but also to build a community of like-minded individuals who share our passion for ham radio. By combining our website with social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube, we aim to reach a wider audience and generate more views.
Whether you’re interested in antenna design, single side band (SSB), FT8, or any other aspect of ham radio, 2 Shih Tzus Radio is here to keep you informed and inspired. Stay tuned for exciting updates, informative content, and maybe even some merchandise in the future!